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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fantail goldfish pictures

Fantail is also called Ryukin, it is other term in Japan which is their origin. If I may say, I am to be honest that I really likethis type of goldfish. Why? Fantail's body is very most beautiful. Look at pictures have been shown below! They have an egg-shaped body, a high dorsal fin, a long quadruple caudal fin, and a shoulder without the hump. That’s really exact combination of body parts.

Check the pictures below to see their kinds of coloration and scales!

Goldfish Pictures - Fantail Goldfish

Fantail Goldfish Picture

Goldfish Pictures - Fantail Goldfish

Fantail Goldfish

Celestial eye goldfish pictures

Celestial eye goldfish has unique characteristic in their eyes. Their normal eyes when they were young will gradually protrude and then going upwards after around six months. Celestial eye goldfish besides can be known by their protuding eyes, they have also double tail and torpedo-shaped body with a curved back.

Don't be wondered about them, yet peel your eyes to see Celestial eye goldfish pictures are shown below right away.

Baby Celestial Eye Goldfish

Goldfish Pictures - Celestial Eye Goldfish

Celestial Eye Goldfish